05 January 2010


Bag-in-a-box. BNB.
I loathe everything about the 4oz/BNB zone.
We're currently validating a new BNB filler AND a new method of testing our 48hr samples, which means pulling and then testing an enormous amount of product. As the new filler (and two more to come!) wouldn't fit in the tiny corner outside the lab where the old one was, they've moved both (and two more to come!) BNB fillers to literally as far away as possible, without tearing down the entire warehouse or moving into the raw dairy. It's a walk. And we need to pull samples every half hour.

Without factoring in ANY other duties, running BNB could easily chew up your whole night.

I had the new filler running tonight until 0430.

I also had soy pudding going.

Just when I had that under control, they called for a check on a FF blend!

Luckily there were six of us on tonight, because I'm pretty sure I would have passed out if I hadn't had help.

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