21 January 2010


When I left the lab for two minutes to get my audit, #1 told MH that he had heard a rumor that #3 has been telling people that he (#3) and I are "fucking."

MH set him straight on the subject (not in a million years, thank you very much) and of course (will guys ever learn?) told me the second I walked back in.

Understandably, I am more than a little perturbed that apparently there is this incredibly untrue rumor about my and the most personal details of my life floating around the plant.

The problem is that I don't know who to be mad at...if he is actually telling people that he and I are sleeping together, #3 would be the target of some pretty serious RC-wrath...the possibility exists, however, that #1 made this up just as a way of finding out from MH if there was anything going on between #3 and me.

Either way, I'm really insulted that #1 would ever think that I would so much as consider having sex with #3.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that I'm catching on to your numbers system. I really need better things to do while I'm waiting for my car to warm up...
