10 February 2010

the kind of person who yells at me for being happy

Mr. G came in to the lab last night because there was a problem with the ESL chocolate milk (there is a problem with the ESL chocolate probably like fifty percent of the time we make it - nothing gross, just that the solids are often too high or too low because it's always a smallish batch and there's no agitation in the steritanks...).

We were talking and laughing and mid-conversation when he came in.

He was very obviously in a bad mood and of course we lab techs never learn, so we asked him what was wrong.

He launched into a tirade about how no one does their job and he is sick of it. He ranted for probably like five minutes and then stormed out.

The conversation we were in the middle of earlier was dead. There was no more laughter to be heard.

There was a brief pause.

"Wow, he really knows how to suck the fun out of a room, huh?"

1 comment:

  1. aren't there like 15 of that guy for every 5 "normal" people at every company?
