05 February 2010

three weeks

In all the time that I have been working third shift, there has been one person in the entire plant who works nights that I really don't like. There are always people who get on my nerves, or who I complain about occasionally, but I can still come up with good things about them and I still probably defend them if anyone else is mean to them behind their backs. But there's just this one guy who I could not stand.

He was injured (non-work related) a while ago and missed about six months of work. When I heard he was coming back, I decided to clean the slate - when he returned I would pretend I had never met him before and hopefully I wouldn't be so irritated by his very existence anymore.

While I was genuinely trying to learn to like the guy, there was a part of me that wondered how long it would take before he started to piss me off again.

Three weeks.

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