04 May 2010

Not sure why I found this SO funny...

LS, a well-liked second shifter, recently quit and moved on to greener pastures (oh, I have been working here too long, I think I just made a dairy pun...). We each have a drawer in the lab, in which to store our pens, markers, paperwork, illegal contraband (i.e. gum and candy), hand lotion, calculator, etc. LS's drawer was frequently filled with other things by those of us who loved her... Straws, the caps from liter paks, styrofoam peanuts, pull tabs, and basically anything else we could find. As avid Office fans, MH and I had plans to put something of hers in jello before she left. (As avid procrastinators, this never happened.)

Last night, JB was bored and decided to clean out anything left over in LS's old drawer. LS did clean it before she went but there were a couple of paperclips, maybe a straw left. JB took the entire drawer out and shook it over the garbage can. I watched her do this and started giggling uncontrolably.

On the inside front of the drawer, where no one would ever notice if they weren't looking for it or otherwise inspecting the drawer, there are collage-style cut-outs that say "chicken ass."

Clearly, the "chicken" comes from one of our many kinds of chicken broth and the "ass" is cut from a pak of medpass, but... I couldn't stop laughing about it the rest of the night.

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