18 May 2010


My trainer basically left me to do allergens all by my lonesome today, which I don't know if I was ready for... Maybe I'll start failing and get kicked off in a couple of weeks...

But anyway I finished the allergen testing around four thirty and then went looking for something else to do. We had almost no distiller water left in the lab, so I took a cart and went shopping.

In the lab, when we need supplies, we go shopping in our special little section of the warehouse. Because it would be impossible to have supplies we need regularly ready for us to use, we have to dig and climb and tear stuff apart to find what we need. I loaded up my cart with a case each of medium and large nitrile gloves, a box of 3oz vials, a case of CEM pads, and four cases of water. At this point, I am already tired from searching for all of this stuff and loading it onto the cart. I now have to drag said cart with all the supplies (estimated to weigh about the same as three of me) allllll the way through the plant and back to the lab.

Of course they keep our supplies literally as far away as possible while still being in the same building. What's weird about that?

I do not like shopping in real life. Lab shopping only reinforces that hatred.

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