30 July 2010

Another one bites the dust

The first thing I('m supposed to) do when I walk in to the lab is read the lab communication log. Last night, I actually did. It paid off. The most recent note in the log subtly stated that HG has been fired.

DK has been not so subtly hinting at this all week, but sometimes he is a great big liar, so it was hard to believe.

Now, Internet, I don't want to come off as s bitch, I feel bad that she lost her job. She is a decent human being and I wouldn't wish the struggle of unemployment on anybody, especially the way the economy is today. Having said that, she was an absolutely atrocious employee who should have been let go ages ago. She was mean and rude to everyone she encountered, she was careless and lazy, and she hated the job.

I will even kind of miss her. Apparently, most of the other lab techs do not feel the same. The note in the log had been copied, highlighted and framed. It was posted on the side of one of the incubators.

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