21 July 2010


In preparation for the SQF audit, one of the things we've begun doing is the "broken glass report."

Essentially, standards require that we take inventory of all of our glass and brittle plastic once every shift. Because of the amount of glassware we have scattered in various areas around the lab, we are not totally complying with that standard, but we have a sheet where you write it down every time you break something, so that supposedly some kind of inventory could be maintained. It is then checked off daily if something got broken and cleaned up properly, or if everything was "ok".

Junior says (and I am beginning to believe her) that since the broken glass sheet was posted, she has been much clumsier and keeps breaking things. Yesterday, she broke the 64oz volumetric flask that we use for milk. (A $498 value.) Last night, she managed to do one better and dropped a liter bottle of 0.02N Iodine.

The stain on the floor can only be described as epic.
Mopping yielded no result.
"Will chlorine get it clean?" MH wondered. I took a napkin, wet it with straight chlorine and scrubbed a tiny piece of yellow floor. It worked.
MH and I spent well over an hour scrubbing the floor in the back of the lab with scrubby pads and undiluted chlorine.
Once it was clean, we spent the rest of the night taking care of start-ups and plating and what-not...completely high on chemical fumes.

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