05 November 2009

90 days without a lost time accident

We have a brand new digital counter (replacing a chalkboard one) to record the number of days we go without someone getting injured. On one of the bulletin boards is a list of incentives based on the number of days. If we go 60 days, we get a plant-wide pizza party. 90 days gets $25 gas cards for 45 people, drawn randomly. The list goes on from there.
We're at a 101 days as of today, and they finally posted who won those gas cards.
I got a text message from #3 yesterday afternoon saying that I was one of the lucky winners.
I never win anything!
I was super psyched.

On my way to lunch tonight, I noticed the bulletin board where they'd posted the winners. I scanned the 3rd shift section. I didn't see my name. I looked closer. My name was not on the 3rd shift list of winners.

I spent most of my lunch break flipping out about WHY he would LIE TO ME about winning a gas card. Does he think I wouldn't notice? Did he really want to trick me into talking to him? What does he think my name is? WHAT THE HELL, MAN?
Not only did I get tricked into talking to him, I didn't actually get twenty-five bucks? That is like the lamest thing ever.

I ranted about this for our entire break, really.

And then, on the way back in from lunch, one of the maintenance guys said..."Hey, RC, why'd they put your name under 2nd shift?"

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