18 November 2009

just doing my job

Nearly everything that could possibly go wrong tonight went wrong tonight. It was not busy or even that stressful, it was just...bad.
There was burn-on in the milk, which has been a problem for a few nights in a row now. I was told we are the only plant that even checks for sediment. One of the supervisors, we'll call him Mr. G, complained that we put milk on hold for sediment because it's not like anybody filters their milk to check for sediment at home. I've used the same argument for things like high fat or low volume...no one checks this at home. The difference is, if I found somehow that my liter of soymilk contained four milliliters less than the volume on the label, I would a) not care, b) pay the same price for it, and c) have no qualms about drinking the product. If, however, I were to find out about burn-on in a carton of milk...well, I sure as hell wouldn't be drinking that milk.

Anyway, they separated off to do a wash, which got rid of the sediment, but when they separated back on, the cryo dropped out. Mr. G had to go and pull samples for me to check from before it went bad to find out the last good time. Every one I checked was fine. Finally, he brought in a carton from the exact same time I'd gotten a bad result. It came out good, too. Mr. G was not exactly happy that he'd had to search for cartons for me and they were all okay.

Finally, after several minutes of whining and sarcasm, he conceded that I was just doing my job.

...how dare I.

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