06 November 2009

my parents ruined me

I was in main lab again tonight, and it was another ridiculously busy shift.
EVERY final blend check I did came out .01 away from target.
Any normal human being would be thrilled that all of the solids were coming out just about perfect. Any normal lab tech would tell the blenders and the processors that those products were spot on.
As you, oh wise internet, may already know, I am not normal.

When I was a kid and I brought my report card home from school, every 99 I got was met with the question, "what happened to that other point?"
I know they were trying to joke, but it was kind of serious. Mom, Dad, I'm sorry I only got 99s and not 100s on everything. Sometimes my grades dipped as low as 95s. I know I am a huge disappointment.

Beavis, VM, DK, I'm sorry I couldn't get my solids checks right exactly on target. I'm sorry the vanilla medpass was a 38.29 and the zensoy plain was a 9.01 (and then an 8.99 after it transferred) and the KB Beef was a 2.99 in one silo and a 3.01 in the other.

Clearly, I am a failure as a lab tech.

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