13 November 2009

the c-word

Ups and downs and in betweens of a twelve-hour shift:

VM says "how are we looking?" referring, I would assume to one of the eight trillion products he's had me test in the past twenty minutes. I say, "Good. I guess. Wait. What are we looking at?" He gives me creepy eyes and says, "you."

Considering I slept about four and a half hours yesterday and woke up at 8am (which is earlier than I usually go to sleep), I am feeling pretty energetic and positive all night. #1 disagrees. He stops me on my way back to the lab and asks me if I am crabby. I am not. We have a two week-old joke in the lab about "the c-word" which is, of course, cranky. The reactions from the other girls when I tell them that #1 called me the other c-word are, I tell you internet, priceless.

Not twenty minutes after #1 told me I seemed crabby, #2 asks why I am so goofy. He says I am a little crazy (another c-word!) and that I make him laugh. He says this as if I have somehow done something wrong. Sorry for being silly, #2.

I am beginning to see why #1 and #2 hate each other so much.

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