14 November 2009

the schedule

We usually get our schedule for the following week on Thursday nights, but sometimes not until Friday. If the schedule isn't out yet when third shift leaves Friday morning, someone will generally offer or be asked to text message the schedule to anyone who is off Friday and Saturday nights.

(An aside: If the schedule is not out and I happen to be obnoxious enough to ask about it, without fail DK tells me that I am scheduled to work all seven days next week, twelve hour shifts every day, all in tetra.)

Since I am working this weekend (of course) and the schedule was not out yet Friday morning, both MH and RD asked me to send the schedule to them. When I got in to work last night, I looked at the schedule (I have next weekend off!) and took out my phone to send messages to the other girls. Before I got a chance, I hear, "I don't need you to text me the schedule."

Getting called in on your day off is somehow worse than if you really had seven twelve hour shifts in tetra. Sorry MH.

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