24 November 2009

the uniform

At my job, like many factories, we wear a uniform. Our uniform is thus: navy blue pants and a light blue snap-front shirt with an embroidered name tag on one side. There is also a navy blue jacket, again with the name tag.

You may recognize this uniform as being the standard for many auto mechanics and gas station attendants nationwide.

As horrible as this uniform looks and feels when I, for instance, run into Starbucks to grab a froofy girl-drink before work, it is...uniform. Everyone at work looks the same and you become very adjusted to the way everyone looks in their horrible, shapeless, unattractive outfits.

When someone comes in wearing their street clothes (their 'civies' I like to say), it is WEIRD. Even if it's someone you've seen outside of work before, they just seem so out of place it's incredible.

#1 was supposed to be off tonight, but he came in for a few hours (I don't know why, because when I asked he said, "just to see you.") and he was not in uniform.

I could not stop staring, but I am relatively certain I would have had the same reaction to a less attractive co-worker in normal-people clothes.

1 comment:

  1. in the military, I'd always try to wear the hottest looking clothes that I had when in my "civies".
