15 March 2010

Bad ideas

A list of things not to do if possible:

go out drinking when you have to work that night
go out drinking with a coworker you have never seen outside of work before and are not particularly close with
go out drinking with a male coworker unless you are romantically interested in him or you are 100% positive he is not interested in you
go out drinking immediately after waking up
go out drinking and then go to work without sleeping before or preferably in between
be the one to stay out but stop drinking early so that you can drive to work
be the one who has a sober coworker to drive you so you can keep drinking and still be buzzed at work
go out drinking at all in the middle of a nine days in a row stretch of work


Note to self: make sure you are prepared to deal with the consequences if you ever pull a stunt like this again.

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