12 March 2010


For our 120 days without a lost time accident, everyone in the plant got an amazing 120 days t-shirt.

Being a relatively small human, I got a small sized t-shirt.

The shirt fits me well. I wish I had asked for a medium.

We are allowed to wear these t-shirts to work instead of our regular work shirts. One of the tetra leads absolutely hates them- something about the color- and calls them "gay." One of the filler operators, intentionally wanting to torture him, declared Thursdays "gay t-shirt day" and we have all followed along.

Last night was the first time I wore my t-shirt. Everything was going fine until I walked past the maintenance bay and felt five pairs of eyes turn toward me and...ogle. There is no other word for it, I got ogled.

I guess compared to the usual mechanic garb, t-shirts are pretty sexy.

Really wish I'd gotten a medium.

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