28 March 2010

If only I wasn't so nice...

That one person I mentioned a while back, whom I really seriously dislike...I could get him fired. I kind of want to get him fired, but I would feel too bad about it.

So here's the scoop- this guy has done this to me before but not lately and has also done it to most of the other lab techs on third shift (we're all female by the way)...I never knew this name for it, but MH called it "jumper cables"? Where someone grabs at you on both sides in the hip/love-handle area? Do you understand what I mean, Internet? I don't feel like I'm describing it well.

Every single one of us is creeped out and uncomfortable with this. If I brought it up to HR I'm positive it would qualify as sexual harrassment and I think it would probably be grounds for termination, considering it is at
least five or six ladies who would concur. They've definitely fired people for less.

I just can't do it because as much as I don't like him, I know he doesn't mean any harm and I would still feel bad if he lost his job.
Also I feel like kind of a hypocrite because #1 does stuff like that to me all the time and it's not a problem. But that's really different, isn't it, Internet?

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