31 March 2010

Genius moment of the week

Around 0430 today, I decided it was time to go pick up my half hour plating samples of gelatin. There are two 4oz cups for each half hour.

It did not seem like a huge amount, and I couldn't get my cart near them because there were pallets scattered in my way.
I figured I could probably just stack them up and carry at least most of them through the little pudding sleeve pallet obstacle course to where I'd left my cart.

I started gathering them, carefully arranging them so that I could hold the most possible without dropping them. I managed to secure all but two of the cups when the operator brought over two more.

It was at this point that it dawned on me that the samples are all on a big tray and that I could just pick up the whole tray and bring it back without any trouble at all.

I replaced all the cups I had gathered and took the tray off the rack. As I began to walk toward my cart, I spotted one of the supervisors sitting on a ladder. He had clearly been watching the entire production and displayed his obvious pride in my ingenuity by giving the most sarcastic thumbs-up I have ever seen. You could practically hear it calling me a moron.

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