02 April 2010


You know how sometimes caution signs are a little unclear or funny? Like you can look up pictures on the Internet of funny caution signs and there are a huge number of them.

Apparently we don't have to go so far as the Internet to find these things... There is this one sign on the elopak filler which I think actually explains itself in words a little so you know what it means, which is that the machine uses uv radiation and not to expose your skin to it, but the picture is these wavy lines pointing at what is supposed to be a hand but looks kind of like a tree limb drawn by a second grader.

The best one, though, which JB discovered tonight, has no words on it and we've absolutely no idea what it means. It has three yellow caution triangles, each with a picture in it.

As we read it, the sign says lemons, clouds and no bugs.

Interpret for yourself.

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