19 April 2010

Call-in pity

The phones in the plant have a different ringtone when the call is coming from an outside line rather than an extension within the factory.

When the lab phone rings the outside ring on third shift, everyone stops and stares at it for a second as if it is a bomb about to go off. We know what that call is. We know that ninety percent of the time, that call means someone on first shift is calling in sick.

Who is it? Are they really sick? Couldn't they have called earlier, we're supposed to give at least two hours notice?! I bet they're faking, I bet they're just getting in from the bar. I bet they just want a long weekend.

"Lab, RC speaking"
"Hi, RC, it's MO...I'm not going to be able to come in today..."

Bitch! Are you fricking serious? She just called in last week. Yeah okay you just got off maternity leave but you can't screw us over just because you have a kid. Lots of people have babies, they still manage to show up at work every once in a...

"...I had to bring the baby to the hospital."

My face and tone of voice have never gone from "bitch!" to "ohhh nooo that's terrible" so fast.

PS The baby is okay and I got another four hours OT.

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