14 April 2010

I am not an addict.

Knowing we had a safety meeting at the beginning of our shift, I stopped for coffee before work. I generally get some kind of coffee on my way to work as long as I have enough time, but I do not go to the same place everyday. Really, I don't.

There is a Tim Horton's around the corner from the plant and that is my most frequent caffeine-source, but even so, I am there twice a week at most. Usually, I go to the drive-thru and am already wearing my work uniform.

Today, I had gone out to dinner for my birthday and was wearing my street clothes. I went in to the Tim's because I had a lot of time to kill and a free coffee coupon (and because I didn't look like a gas station attendant for once!)

The manager not only recognized me, he knew my order before I said it.

I'm not sure if this means he's a stalker or I need to cut back...

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