26 April 2010

Scheduling mishaps

Two awesome things on the schedule this week...firstly, MH was off Friday and Saturday nights. The schedule did not come out until Friday night. She asked JJ for her days off and he told her that she had off Friday and Saturday again.

He did not, however, bother to mention that she had to work a twelve-hour shift one day. Most of the time, this wouldn't be a big deal, except that her twelve hour shift was six to six on Sunday. Meaning she was scheduled to come in early the day she came back from being off and not seeing the schedule. She figured it out around six thirty when she was on her way to dinner and work was calling to find out where she was.

The other amazing thing on the schedule is a note at the bottom which says "RC safety meeting 0530 or 0600."
It does not mention what safety meeting, where, or most importantly...what day of the week.

Maybe our supervisors missed a schedule-making meeting at the same time I missed safety training.

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