01 March 2010

Teamwork: needs improvement

I hate to dwell on something so stupid, but I'm not sure what my bosses look at when preparing those annual reviews. I am suppossedly unmotivated and not a team player.

I have not changed the way I work since the review.

Today, I did all but two of the daily tasks and helped with both of those other two. I did most of the weekly tasks (and the others could not be done today.) I did dishes and plating. I took out the garbage. And I must have asked the other lab techs if there was anything I could help with twenty times.

I also spent a good amount of time sitting down reading.

What the hell is wrong with that?

1 comment:

  1. do you ask your bosses if there's any way to help the other techs?

    or you could employ an army of small action figures. so long as they outnumber your peers, you'd be in good company.
