03 March 2010

Maintence needed

A slew of funny things happened last night, among them this gem...

JB walked into the lab and muttered something about not being sure if this is an "I need a new job" moment or a "you need a new job" moment.

She said, "I just went up to one of the maintenance guys and asked him if he had a pair of pliers I could borrow."

Let's keep in mind, Internet, that our maintenance staff are not of the sanitation/light bulb changing variety... They make twenty something dollars an hour to maintain and service a wide variety of complicated machinery from blending to processing to fillers...

"I asked him for pliers...

And he handed me a crescent wrench."

1 comment:

  1. never overestimate your maintenance people... we have special names for ours, including "Bobby Breaker Bar" and "Mikey Mallet"- named for the tools that they use to hit equipment with.

    it doesn't say much about the people that train them though (us... the engineers)
